For more than 25 years, Profile Theatre has enriched Portland’s cultural community. We are proud to be one of the longest running theatre institutions in Oregon!

2021-2022 Generations: Part 2 – Paula Vogel and Brandon Jacobs-Jenkins

The Oldest Profession



2019-2021 Double Season – Generations – Paula Vogel / Lynn Nottage / Branden Jacobs-Jenkins 

The Baltimore Waltz

Ruined & Mother Courage
By The Way, Meet Vera Stark (CANCELLED)
Branden Jacobs-Jenkins: In Conversation (CANCELLED)
Claudia, A Viral Love Story
Mlima’s Tale

2018 Double Season – Lisa Kron / Anna Deavere Smith

2.5 Minute Ride
The Secretaries
Fires in the Mirror
In the Wake
Well / Let Me Down Easy (Rotating Repertory)
In Dialogue Staged Reading: Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992
In Dialogue Production: (Un)Conditional by Sara Zatz in collaboration with the performers

2017 – Quiara Alegría Hudes

Elliot, A Soldier’s Fugue
26 Miles
Water by the Spoonful
The Happiest Song Plays Last
In Dialogue Staged Readings: awe/struck by christopher oscar peña, Orange Julius by Basil Kreimendahl

2016 – Tanya Barfield

The Call
Blue Door
Fall Festival: Antigone Project: A Play in 5 Parts

Bright Half LifeIn Dialogue Staged Readings: Of Equal Measure, SuperTrue, Electra and June and Jean in Concert (Concert of their Lives) The Book of Grace, Hazardous Beauty.

2015 – Sarah Ruhl

Dead Man’s Cell Phone
In the Next Room, or the vibrator
Fall Festival: Passion Play
In Dialogue Staged Readings: Three SistersThe Revolutionists; The Lady Onstage; Stage Kiss

2014 – Sam Shepard

Eyes for Consuela
Buried Child

The Festival of One Acts

True West
In Dialogue Staged Readings: Hungry; Buena Vista; The Curse of the Starving Class; A Lie of the Mind

2012-2013 – Athol Fugard

“Master Harold”… and the Boys
The Road to Mecca
Blood Knot
My Children! My Africa!
Staged Readings: A Lesson from Aloes; Valley Song; Nothing But the Truth*
One Night Stands: Coming Home; Sizwe Bansi is Dead; Knowing Cairo*; Playland
*part of our In Dialogue Series

2011-2012 – 15th Anniversary Season

  • Lips Together, Teeth Apart by Terrence McNally
  • At Home at the Zoo by Edward Albee
  • A Lesson Before Dying by Romulus Linney (an adaptation of the Ernest Gaines novel)
  • Fifth of July by Lanford Wilson
  • Staged Readings: Lake Hollywood by John Guare; BecauseHeCan by Arthur Kopit; Old Times by Harold Pinter; The Prisoner of Second Avenue by Neil Simon
  • One Night Stands: Nice People Dancing to Good Country Music by Lee Blessing; Take Me to the River by Constance Congdon; The Actor by Horton Foote; The American Clock by Arthur Miller; The Goddess Speaks, Readings from Shiksa Goddess by Wendy Wasserstein; Eccentricities of a Nightingale by Tennessee Williams

2010-2011 – Lee Blessing

Great Falls
Thief River
Staged Readings: When We Go Upon the SeaIndependenceA Walk in the Woods
One Night Stands: Patient AGoing to St. IvesA View of the MountainsTwo RoomsCobb

2009-2010 – Horton Foote

The Trip to Bountiful
The Carpetbaggers Children
The Young Man from Atlanta
Staged Readings: Valentine’s DayTo Kill a MockingbirdDividing the Estate
One Night Stands: Courtship1918Tender MerciesAn Evening of One-ActsThe Last of the Thorntons

2008-2009 – Neil Simon

Biloxi Blues
Jake’s Women
The Sunshine Boys
Staged Readings: Lost in Yonkers; The Odd Couple; I Ought to Be In Pictures 
One Night Stands: Plaza SuiteBrighton Beach MemoirsBroadway BoundGod’s FavoriteThe Good Doctor

2007-2008 – John Guare

Six Degrees of Separation
A Few Stout Individuals
Landscape of the Body
The House of Blue Leaves
Staged Readings: Bulfinch’s MythologyBosoms and Neglect

2006-2007 – Wendy Wasserstein

An American Daughter
The Heidi Chronicles
The Sisters Rosensweig
Uncommon Women and Others
Staged Readings: Isn’t It RomanticOld MoneyThird

2005-2006 – Lanford Wilson

Talley’s Folley
Talley & Son
Burn This
Redwood Curtain
Staged Readings: Fifth of JulySympathetic Magic

2004-2005 – Terrence McNally

The Stendhal Syndrome
The Lisbon Traviata
It’s Only a Play
Staged Readings: Three from Column ACorpus Christi

2003-2004 – Romulus Linney

Klonsky and Schwartz
Silver River
Staged Reading: Gint

2002-2003 – Edward Albee

The Zoo Story/The American Dream
Three Tall Women
Staged Reading: Fragments

2001-2002 – Harold Pinter

The Homecoming
A Kind of Alaska/Ashes to Ashes
The Birthday Party
Staged Readings: The Dumb Waiter; One for the Road

2000-2001 – Arthur Miller

The Price
All My Sons
The Ride Down Mt. Morgan
Staged Reading: Broken Glass

1999-2000 – Constance Congdon

Tales of the Lost Formicans
No Mercy/One Day Earlier

1998-99 – Tennessee Williams

The Garden District: Something Unspoken & Suddenly Last Summer
The Glass Menagerie
Blue Roses

1997-98 – Arthur Kopit

The Road to Nirvana


We have physical archives of all press, programs, photos, etc. of all of our seasons at our office. If you would like to visit our archives, please call to set up an appointment.