Community Profile
Community Profile is a program that uses the practice of writing to build authentic networks of resilience, strength and hope in a specific affinity group. We bring in excellent and award-winning writers of all disciplines, from novelists to poets to TV writers and playwrights, from around the city and the country to work with our cohort once a month in a three-hour writing workshop.
Once you sign up, come as often or as little as you’d like. We’re currently meeting over Zoom but we have found that this still provides a rich, rewarding experience for our participants.
At the end of the season, we hold a public presentation of the cohort’s work that is entirely voluntary for each individual writer. All participants also receive free tickets to all of Profile’s programming, be it live or virtual.
Click here to learn more about the current cohort!
At Community Profile we believe that coming together to share stories with others with similar life experiences has the potential to spark inspiration, foster connection, ease feelings of isolation and loneliness, and strengthen a sense of belonging.
By the end, participants will have a different perspective on their art, their world and them selves within that world. And they’ll have an entire new community of writers, friends and allies.